Blog 10
- Data collections (surveys) and excel are both helpful in my opinion. Surveys could be used for any grade level I think, to ask students gain feedback on certain things. For example, the end of the semester surveys that Florida State sends their students at the end of every semester is helpful for the school so they know what areas professors should maybe work on for future reference. Excel sheets can be very useful if you're teaching a math class. My roommate who is an accounting major, uses excel on a frequent basis for accounting classes as it requires you to really know how to use it for the different reasons. I would say excel can start being used in school at around 9th grade.
- A topic I found interesting on a classmates blog was from Jamie Rudden, she did one of her powerpoint assignments on Florida and different cool facts about it. Being from Florida, I love to learn new things about the state and the different cities in it. I'm really big in to Geography and learning and exploring different places as well.
- Although we have went over it in class and have used it a few times, I would love to master excel. Being great at excel is a really good skill to have in todays world. Especially since nowadays everything is technology based. My mom is an account advisor for citibank and uses excel on a daily basis and is really good at it. I would love to be on her level. The only way to get better at it is to keep practicing, playing with excel and watching tutorial videos on Youtube, which help a lot.
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